Land Transport

Expertise in Inland transportation of import and export cargoes upon receivable on a purchase order of the client. Our company takes care of all like execution, ranging from coordinating with the final customer, through transporting and unloading cargo according to his destination.

Our motto is to move cargo smoothly without unnecessary delays, while complying with all relevant statutory regulations.

Services of Land Transport

  • Courier Service for Parcels and Mail
  • Overland transport to the neighboring countries.
  • Special trucks / trailers services.
  • Customs Inspections for Export Cargos
  • Loose Cargo Transport
  • Dedicated Small Vans to Full Load
  • Heavy lift cargo.
  • Door to door delivery.
  • Logistics & Distribution Services
  • Proof Of Delivery.

Interested in working with A2Z?

We don't just manage suppliers, we micro-manage them. We have a consultative, personalized approach